The purpose of workshops at ICIC 2025 is to provide a comprehensive forum on topics that will not be fully explored during the main conference and to encourage in-depth discussions of future technical and application issues in Intelligent Computing Community. The workshop will also provide a platform for researchers of Intelligent Computing Community to set an agenda and lay the foundation for future development in Intelligent Computing Community. The number of accepted papers at each Workshop should be not less than 8 ones.

All the authors for each Workshop must follow the guidelines in CALL FOR PAPERS  to prepare your submitted papers.

Proposals for Workshop should be submitted in ELECTRONIC FORMAT by at Workshop Session.






Workshop 1

International Workshop on Evolutionary Computing and Deep Learning for Health Informatics

Waqas Haider Bangyal
Zia Ul Qayyum
Liang Gao


1. International Workshop on Evolutionary Computing and Deep Learning for Health Informatics

Waqas Haider Bangyal
Kohsar University Murree, Pakistan

Zia Ul Qayyum
Executive Director, Higher Education Commission, Islamabad, Pakistan

Liang Gao
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

Scope and Topics:
The International Workshop on Evolutionary Computing and Deep Learning for Health Informatics at ICIC 2025 aims to be a forum where researchers, practitioners and industry representatives have the opportunity to present and discuss ongoing work and latest research results of meaningful contributes and systems in health care using evolutionary computing approaches and deep learning techniques. Similarly, explains the systems and effective research contribution in health care using evolutionary computing approaches. Evolutionary Computing covers a number of nature-inspired computational methodologies, mainly Artificial Neural Networks ANNs , Fuzzy Sets, Genetic Algorithms GAs , Swarm Intelligence, and their hybridizations for addressing the real-world problems. Due to the several reasons of conventional modeling such as complexity, existent of uncertainties, and the stochastic nature of the processes, conventional modeling approach is useless. According to the success of evolutionary computing methods and techniques in health care applications, it can be expected that these methods can also be applied successfully to solve the medical issues in terms of Cancer Diagnosis, Brain Tumor, Diabetic Retinopathy, Heart disease and presentation of images captured via X-Ray, Ultrasound, MRI, Nuclear Medicine and Visual Imaging technologies. In this context, computational intelligence paradigms are comprising of numerous branches including Neural Networks, Swarm Intelligence, Expert Systems, Evolutionary Computing, Fuzzy Systems, and Artificial Immune systems can play a vital role for handling the different aspects of health care. We invite such papers which target the creativity, design, and engineering-related challenges such as new algorithms, systems, methodology, datasets, evaluations, surveys, reproduced results, and negative results. This workshop consists of invited talks and contributed talks, and welcomes submission of both papers and short abstracts, where all submissions will be subject to peer review. The topics of interest include but are not limited to the following: Medical Imaging Medical Signal Processing Medical Text Analysis Clinical Diagnosis and Therapy Data Mining Medical Data and Records Clinical Expert Systems Modeling and Simulation of Medical Processes Genomic-based Clinical Studies Patient-centric Care Health Care Informatics Biomedical Imaging and Image Processing Evolutionary Computing for Recommendation in Healthcare.